Baby Development

Baby Development - The First Twelve Months

By Jon Boland

If you have a new baby, congratulations! A new baby is an exciting addition to the family. Over the next few months you'll be amazed to see how your baby begins to develop from that newborn you first took home. Here's a look at the first twelve months and the development you can expect through each month as your baby gets older.

Newborn - 1 Month

During the first month of life, your baby does a lot of developing. The muscles in the neck are starting to get a bit strong, which may allow your baby to pull her head up for a few seconds. Baby also begins to realise that she has hands and feet and may move them around showing that she's exploring her body and how it works.

1-2 Months

Now your baby is beginning to gurgle and coo and you may even see that first smile from your baby during this time - one of the big milestones you'll remember when you have a baby. Babies usually start sleeping a bit longer at a stretch at this stage of developments. Your baby's movements are becoming a bit more coordinated as well.

2-3 Months

As your baby approaches the three month mark, she's beginning to lift her head more and more. Leg, arm, and hand coordination is getting better and you'll notice your baby kicking and waving more than before, especially as her joints are more flexible. At this point she'll be attached to you and will be able to recognize her mother and father.

3-4 Months

By this point, your baby will eat more at one time, making feedings less frequent. She now has a larger stomach. Babies also begin to try to roll over at this stage in the game.

4-5 Months

At this stage development is really going fast. Babies can lift their head and shoulders and may even try to sit up, although they have to have support to do so. Your baby will be able to bring things to her mouth as well. She may be able to make sounds that she hears as well.

5-6 Months

Babies do a lot of exploration with their hands at this point. They start grabbing objects and discover the art of dropping things. Usually babies are able to roll in both directions by this age, which means you'll need to be careful when changing them. Babies become more social at this age as well.

6-7 Months

Motor skills are really showing up now. Usually, your baby can pick things up one handed and may even be able to clasp her hands as well. Often, babies this age enjoy the sounds of banging toys together. Teething may be happening at this point too.

7-8 Months

By now, your baby can sit pretty well and probably doesn't need much support. Crawling often occurs at this time and your baby may even try standing with some help. Babies are more emotional at this stage.

8-9 Months

Babies of this age are more mobile. While they may not be walking, they can get around fairly well by crawling. With some help babies can take some steps. During this month and the next couple of months, separation anxiety can be a real difficulty for babies.

9-10 Months

Your baby is finding that he can do more things with his fingers since he is more agile at this age. Often, babies can pick up objects with their fingers and they enjoy tasting things. You really will begin to see the personality of your baby emerge.

10-11 Months

Babies are getting closer to walking at this age and they are becoming more independent as well. They try walking while holding on to furniture and can often hold a cup to drink on their own. Your baby will enjoy going through the pages of books at this stage.

11-12 Months

As your child reaches the year mark, so many things are happening. Often, they take their first steps on their own. Babies of this age enjoy throwing and pushing things around. Sometimes babies don't like to take their naps at this age because of their growing feelings of independence.

Of course, as you look through these stages, remember that every baby is different. Each baby develops in their own time so if your baby is ahead or behind, it's probably nothing to worry about.

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